Friday, February 26, 2010

Avernum 6 For Windows Released

We have finally released Avernum 6, the final game in the Avernum saga, for Windows. The game has been a huge success for us on the Mac end, and we're very happy to finally have it available for all of our customers. If you like huge, Indie role-playing games with a retro flair, you could do worse than to check it out.

Having worked on this storyline for fifteen years now, it feels weird to bring it to an end. And liberating, too. I am making a whole new game world, game engine, etc., and I hope to blog about the ins and outs of that process plenty in the next year.

Edit: By the way, prior experience with the Avernum games is completely unnecessary to enjoy Avernum 6. I figured out early on that sequels should always provide easy entry for new players. Especially when they have a number as high as 6 after the name.

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